SAPPHIRE WORK CAPACITY ASSESSMENT SYSTEMThe Sapphire Work Capacity Assessment System helps and supports you in making clear and defined decisions about your clients abilities to (re)integrate on the job. The Sapphire™ is available in three versions, a comprehensive Wall Mount version, a Portable work assessment version, and an Portable Upper Extremity Testing version.
The Sapphire is:•Time-Efficient and Cost-Effective•Job-Related and Protocol-Flexible•Easy to use
The Sapphire offers:Baseline Assessment: an objective assessment of your clients physical abilities to perform a variety of tasks related to the physical demands of a job.Job Specific Assessment: an objective assessment of your clients abilities to cope with specific and/or essential demands of a certain job.
Sapphires applications:•Functional Capacity Evaluation•Pre-Employment screening•Return to work •Objective quantification of (work related) therapy results
Ergos Work Simulator and Sapphire Work Capacity Tester for Functional Capacity Assessment and Evaluation, Work Hardening, Vocational Rehabilitation and Work Related Therapies.