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ESSENTIAL ASPECTS WORK RECOVERY SYSTEMS CRITERION REFERENCED. Criterion referenced tests use objective standards and the individual is required to demonstrate abilities of a particular or general vocational level. That is why criterion referenced testing typically do a better job of identifying Work Capacity abilities then norm referenced testing. Test results on all our systems  indicate what individuals can do in the domain or field of "Work". FUNCTIONAL SKILL APPROACH. Performance criteria are specified and indicate skills that are significant and functional as they are based on the skills required "on the job". WORK SIMULATION. The content of all tests represent the vocational domain. Test tasks are practical, meaningful and structured. All tasks have a beginning and an end. Administration criteria are clear defined and objective.
CONCEPT AND METHODOLOGY WORK RECOVERY SYSTEMS The concept and methodology of our systems is based on the true nature of work.  FUNCTIONALITY On all our sytems assessment is focused on Functionality as "work" should lead to a "surplus value". On an operational level functionality is defined as the interaction between Endurance and Productivity. A worker must not only be able to bring the necessary endurance (like being able to bend frequently) but also, while bending, create the necessary productivity by developing and sustaining a sufficient work pace. WHOLE BODY RANGE OF MOTION All tests are constructed based on the principle of the unity of the body. On the job a worker does not lift for the sake of lifting or bend for the sake of bending. A worker bends in order to do a certain job task, for instance move an object. In order to be able to do this task the worker must not only bend, but also and simultaneously rotate the trunk, use the legs, move the arms in different directions and use his hands and fingers. All tests are based on "WHOLE BODY RANGE OF MOTION", thus creating the reality of physical work.
Ergos Work Simulator and Sapphire Work Capacity Tester for Functional Capacity Assessment and Evaluation, Work Hardening, Vocational Rehabilitation and Work Related Therapies.